Category Archives: General

Gearing Up for #MAM 2016!

Welcome back! 
It’s that time of year. We are about one month into the planning and organizing phase for the next Global Day of Action on Saturday, May 21, 2016. We are busily getting everything ready for March Against Monsanto here in Seattle and excited to bring you another rally and march! An event page is already up on Facebook and more details will be added to it/released to the public as we confirm them.

In the meantime, please check out the FB Invite and be sure to add all your friends!

Please keep a look out for our latest crowdfunding campaign. Help us jump-start the fundraising process so we can bring you the best community-sponsored event possible. And check back often for more info!
~Linx and the rest of the team at #SeattleMAM

Great Infotainment planned for SeattleMAM!

When you join us on Saturday, May 23rd you will not only be making a stand against Monsanto’s abuse of our planet and our food sources, you will also enjoy great educational entertainment!

Ray Mullen – Ray comes to us from the Snoqualmie Tribe and will be honoring us by kicking off the event with a Ceremonial Blessing.

The Raging Grannies – These wonderful ladies are known around the nation for their songs about important issues. They take on a wide range of causes. Food Sovereignty is one! The Seattle chapter is no different! While their lyrics are fun and entertaining, the statement they make is clear. They will be on the main stage around 1 pm.

Gary Kanter – Singer, Songwriter, Irritant – Gary is a New York-born Songwriter/Humorist with a passion for topical songs in the tradition of Phil Ochs, Tom Paxton, and John Prine. His songs will make you laugh, cry, and think, though not necessarily in that order. His songs of labor and solidarity are reminiscent of labor icon, Joe Hill. We are thrilled to welcome Gary back this year!

Atomic Ballroom – The members of Atomic Ballroom have been performing around the Seattle area for the last 5 years. They are inspired by Alice in Chains, Soundgarden. Pearl Jam and the Deftones. They are also inspired by social justice and environmental causes. They have some great music planned for #MAM and rock and alternative sound that will even get the kids dancing!

Speakers – We will have some great speakers from the following organizations:

  • Washington Coalition To Amend The Constitution (WaMend)
  • Educating the Gates Foundation
  • Beacon Food Forest
  • Community Alliance for Global Justice (CAGJ)
  • Lori Taylor (a Nutritionist who published an outstanding anti-GMO article)
  • youth speakers and more!

We look forward to seeing everyone at Westlake Park next weekend. Please bring signs, banners or stop by our art station and make one at the rally. We’ll march at approx. 2:30 pm.

~Meerkat, Linx, BusyBee, Armadilla, Bear, Cat, Bat, Seahawk, Rabbit, Parrot and all the volunteer organizers at #SeattleMAM

Want to help out?

Please consider a small contribution to this community-sponsored event. Funds are needed to cover the many costs of producing this annual action and rally. From permits to art supplies, audio visual tech, tents, lots of free info and fun stuff to help you show your solidarity! Thank you for your generosity.

Check out our newest social media forums:                                        

Come Join Us for a Work Party! May 15, 2015

Our Big March Against Monsanto event is fast approaching. There is much to be done. Come join us as we prepare light boards, signs, and other items. Bring your imagination and some poster boards. We will have markers available for your use.

The party will be at:
Victrola Coffee Coffee and Art
411 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112
(206) 325-6520
Date: Friday, May 15, 2015
Time: 5:30pm – 8:00pm

~Meerkat, Linx, BusyBee, Armadilla, Bear, Cat, Bat, Seahawk, Rabbit, Parrot and all the volunteer organizers at #SeattleMAM

Want to help out with a monetary contribution?  Funds will be used for art supplies, audio visual, tent rental, fun give aways and more!

Help Us Make #MAM Happen for Seattle!

Have You Been Wondering What You Can Do To Help?
It’s almost time for #MAM 2015…We have been working non-stop to get everything ready for the rally & march this year! If you don’t have access to the Facebook event page, keep watching this space to see what we have planned. We’ll post the schedule and more soon. You can also visit our new Twitter account here: or our brand new Instagram gallery here: Please be sure to share those links with your friends! Or just send us an email for more info:

But what do we REALLY need?
We need Community Sponsors. In the past, we have had an awesome amount of support from the local Seattle Media Lab and many services were provided to us free of charge. Alas, they are no longer open to the activists in the Emerald City. While we do our best to barter, beg, and borrow what we can, there are still a lot of expenses that go into producing this annual event!


Please take a look at our Indiegogo Campaign and GIVE what you can!
Mutual aid and your generous contributions have been instrumental in bringing you the #MAM event you know and love. From finding guest speakers, local & national organizations to come do demos, and musicians for the rally, to gathering up art supplies, chalk & face-painters for the kids, to securing the services of a tech with sound equipment, and renting other essential gear. Plus the costs of the permits that make this a family-friendly action you can proudly take part in. It all adds up. And Every little bit helps!

Follow this link to make a donation:

Thank you for contributing. We are truly grateful.
~Linx, Meerkat, BusyBee, Armadilla, Bear, Cat, Bat, Seahawk, Rabbit, Parrot and all the volunteer organizers at #SeattleMAM


MAM 2015

Greetings MAMsters!
We are currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION and prepping for the next big March Against Monsanto! This year the event will be held on SATURDAY, MAY 23, 2015. The planned location is WESTLAKE PARK (it’s a great spot) and we will be marching to the Gates Foundation again this year. We are really excited about some of the speakers we have lined up for you, especially a group (Educating The Gates Foundation) that can really help connect the dots between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the nasty, corporate cronyism that keeps them in bed with big, bad corporations like Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Bayer (yes, like the aspirin!!) and Cargill…to name a few. There will be a lot of great info available so please plan to come check it out!

MORE info is available on our Facebook Community Page:

Or go directly to the event link here:

***Please be sure to invite all your friends, family and co-workers to “like” our community page AND invite them to attend the rally and march!***

Check back soon for updates on Speakers, Live Music, Rally Info and much much more.
And keep your eyes peeled for our new Twitter and Instagram pages. We’ll post those links asap!
See you in the streets!  #MarchMay23
~Linx and the whole crew at #SeattleMAM

MAM2015 base image


The day is almost here…just a few more hours and it will be MAY 24th in Seattle!
Where will you be this Saturday? Join us at Westlake Park at 11 AM for the rally. We march at 2 PM!

We have a full line-up of great stuff from live music to local speakers. Meet the folks from CAGJ (Community Alliance for Global Justice) and Beacon Food Forest, Fair Trade Coalition, CISPES and more. There will also be demos from the folks at Seattle Tilth, including info on composting and recycling! We’ll be sharing some free starters for your own guerrilla gardening fun, seed bags for home gardens, and much more. Oh! And we also have fun stuff planned for the kids, including face-painters!

There have been some recent concerns about where the parent organization “March Against Monsanto” really stands on the issues of feeding the poor, ending food deserts, making our food supply safe for ALL people regardless of their economic background or ethnicity. There have been confirmed reports of requests for people to “point out anarchists” to police in Montreal and phone calls to organizers in other cities. Let us assure you that this is NOT the case here in Seattle! That’s just not how we roll!

This rally and march is for EVERYONE by EVERYONE. Come one! Come all!
While it is a family-friendly event, there is no exclusion policy of any kind.
Be sure to bring your camera. Bee the Media. Film the cops.
See you in the streets!

~Linx, Rabbit, Parrot & the rest of the #SeattleMAM crew

Come Join Us: Last Work Party!

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Just a reminder that we’ll be meeting at Black Coffee Coop (501 Pine St. at Summit on Capital Hill) again next Wednesday, May 21 from 3 – 7 PM to work on signs, posters, banners, seed bombs and more!

Bring along any supplies you might need, like poster board. We’ll have markers and paint pens and a lot of other fun stuff to help with the creativity, too!

See you there.
~Linx, Rabbit and Parrot


How Can I Help?

 How Can I Help?

End Monsanto - Educate All








Greetings #MAMsters!
Some of you may be asking what you can do to help make this March Against Monsanto as successful as possible. There are a lot of things we still need help with, and we would love to have anyone who is interested contact us for more information! Send us an email or visit our Facebook community page and message the admins.

*We are still looking for people to help with the last work party.
*We need volunteers to get flyers out to the campuses and local neighborhoods.
*We need folks who might help with set-up and break-down the day of the event.

This is a grass-roots effort, and is 100% community-sponsored. So we could also use your financial help. Anything will aid us in covering the many costs to produce this rally and march. Please visit our Indiegogo campaign here to learn more:

Share the links with your friends, family, neighbors, & co-workers.
Thanks again for all your support.
See you at Westlake!



beebagsHere we are at the first work party for March Against Monsanto, Seattle! Linx has brought artistic materials, including fabric, shears, thread, stamps, ink, and pens (among other implements). I have brought seed packets, tons of sunflower seeds, and clay. We are beginning the process of making seed bags and seed bombs for giveaway at the rally, with the participation of some new volunteers!

From an anonymous source, we have also obtained some ready-made seed bombs. Some of these bombs are already starting to sprout. Perhaps we will do a test-run with these in the next couple of days?

If you want to make some seed bombs of your own, a recipe can be found at:

Another recipe can be found here (at one of our FAVORITE gardening sites):

If you would like to use paper rather than clay, try out this cool eco-friendly recipe:

So make some seed bombs, and do some guerrilla gardening! Make a beautiful impact on the world.  Oh, and come to the next work party:
Next Wednesday, 21 May, 3 pm at Black Coffee Co-op!

~ Rabbit.

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Call to Action M24

Greetings! We are busily working together toward the third March Against Monsanto rally, happening on May 24th at Westlake Park in Seattle.  There will be live music, fun for the kids and goodies, along with info-sharing – as many different groups in Seattle join forces in the fight for GMO Labeling Laws and to support local farmers.  We must put an end to multinational corporations that continue destroying the earth and ruining lives!  Stay tuned for more information. Or visit our community page on Facebook to find out more:

~Rabbit, Parrot & Linx