Help Us Make #MAM Happen for Seattle!

Have You Been Wondering What You Can Do To Help?
It’s almost time for #MAM 2015…We have been working non-stop to get everything ready for the rally & march this year! If you don’t have access to the Facebook event page, keep watching this space to see what we have planned. We’ll post the schedule and more soon. You can also visit our new Twitter account here: or our brand new Instagram gallery here: Please be sure to share those links with your friends! Or just send us an email for more info:

But what do we REALLY need?
We need Community Sponsors. In the past, we have had an awesome amount of support from the local Seattle Media Lab and many services were provided to us free of charge. Alas, they are no longer open to the activists in the Emerald City. While we do our best to barter, beg, and borrow what we can, there are still a lot of expenses that go into producing this annual event!


Please take a look at our Indiegogo Campaign and GIVE what you can!
Mutual aid and your generous contributions have been instrumental in bringing you the #MAM event you know and love. From finding guest speakers, local & national organizations to come do demos, and musicians for the rally, to gathering up art supplies, chalk & face-painters for the kids, to securing the services of a tech with sound equipment, and renting other essential gear. Plus the costs of the permits that make this a family-friendly action you can proudly take part in. It all adds up. And Every little bit helps!

Follow this link to make a donation:

Thank you for contributing. We are truly grateful.
~Linx, Meerkat, BusyBee, Armadilla, Bear, Cat, Bat, Seahawk, Rabbit, Parrot and all the volunteer organizers at #SeattleMAM
